About Us

First, to clarify, this blog may not represent the opinions of the Stream Team Program or its wonderful staff and sponsors.  The blog is run (and hopefully read) by private citizen volunteers who are enthusiastic supporters of Missouri streams.

OK, so far, the "About Us" page is only an "About Me" page.  If you are interested in being a co-author on this blog, get in touch with me!

Danelle Haake
I first joined the Missouri Stream Team while I was in college at Missouri State University in Springfield.  Stream Team 206, the Natural and Applied Sciences Stream Team (aka NASSTy), opened my eyes to the amazing world of Missouri streams and I've barely been able to blink since!

I have a BS in Biology from Missouri State and an MS in Water Resources from Iowa State.  Professionally, I've worked on TMDL development (how much water pollution is too much) and stressor identification (what pollutant is killing the fish and bugs) for the State of Iowa, stressor identification guidance under contracts with the US EPA, and on habitat restoration for Missouri Botanical Garden.

As a Stream Team volunteer, I have passed Level 3 WQM training, completed the CSI workshop, and been to several of the wonderful supplemental workshops.  I've worked with the River des Peres Watershed Coalition (currently Vice Chair; past Chair), the Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition (currently Treasurer).  I am honored to be a recipient of the Stream Team Ambassador Award (2011).  Through all of this, I coordinated countless events (litter pick-ups, water monitoring, habitat restorations, workshops), wrote many letters and articles, applied for and earned several grants, planned and attended hours of meetings, and served with some of the most amazing people I've ever had the pleasure to meet!!

I am currently a member of Stream Teams 206, 2670, 3189, 3491, and 3745.

Your Name Belongs Here
Your first assignment as a co-author on this blog: tell us about yourself!

Don't forget to let us know your Stream Team number(s)...