Sunday, July 24, 2011

Successful Meramec Celebration

Kelci sells raffle tickets near the prize table.
Yesterday's 15th Annual Meramec Watershed Celebration was an awesome event!  The morning was filled with a look at macroinvertebrates in the Meramec River, a naturalist program, tubing and swimming in the river, watershed bingo, and more.  I spent the morning at the Level 2 Validation for water quality monitoring led by Chris and Wayne.  Thanks to them, many of us now have fresh chemicals and the knowledge that our equipment is all in working order!

By the time I got to the picnic site, everything was in full swing; lunch had begun, raffle tickets were being sold, kids were running around with their great prizes from the children's activity table.  Everyone was enjoying catching up with old friends and making new friends.  A few people even put down their $40 to pre-order one of the first Stream Team License Plates (more on this later, I'm sure)!

After lunch, several awards were presented to people who have contributed special efforts to the Stream Team Program in the past year.  Congratulations go out to many people for this event:
  • Stream Team Ambassador Awardees: Lisa Adams, Danelle Haake, Debbie Miller, and Hydie M.
  • Operation Clean Stream Stewardship Awardees: Steve Anderson and Bo Jarvis
  • Stream Team Staff Appreciation Awardees: Darlene Haun and Carl Romesburg
  • Stream Team Staff Farewell Paddle: Andrew Branson
Awardees (left to right) Debbie Miller, Bo Jarvis, Carl Romesburg, Darlene Haun, Danelle Haake, and Hydie M.

Following the awards, the final raffle tickets were sold (nearly 2000 tickets!) and numbers were drawn.
The first ticket to win belonged to Mike Bure and his prize of choice was the grand prize of the year, a kayak!  The second winner selected the smaller kids kayak.  Other prizes included a stone garden rabbit, coolers of beer, several gift cards to QT, multi-canoe float trips, a hand-made quilt, and much, much more.  I'd love to get comments from you on what YOU took home; I got the ice cream maker, a 5-canoe float trip, and a package of glow-in-the-dark toys for the kids.

Mike Bure (and Chico) with his new kayak!
Photo by Brian Waldrup
After the raffle, many took to the water for poling lessons or tubing trips, or just to spend some quality time in the water.  A short while later, it was time for the final event of the day: the canoe races.  Given the hot weather, not many folks stayed around to watch or participate in the canoe races.  So, for those of you who missed out, here are the final standings:
  • Solo Men - Paul Wibbenmeyer, Hogan Haake, Vernon Pursley, and Ahti Rovainen
  • Solo Women - Danelle Haake, Debbie Miller, Lorisa Runnels, and Katie Wibbenmeyer (DNF)
  • Youth - Marina Pursley and Nick Pursley
  • Mixed Tandem - Hogan & Danelle Haake, Katie Wibbenmeyer & Mike Bure (with Chico the dog), and Connor Kirk & Kelci Wibbenmeyer
Now, I feel the need to add a little bit about the races, particularly given my great fortune in placing first in two races...  I want to give kudos to Katie.  In our solo race, she was ahead of me by a canoe length almost from the start.  I stayed close enough that I think she worked harder than she expected, but she was in the lead.  Unfortunately, she thought that the take-out was the finish line, so she stopped just a few feet shy of the actual finish line.  I was prepared to offer her the win, but she was tremendously gracious and insisted that I take first.  In her words, 'You got first and it was not a technicality.'  I'm sure that next year she will be eager to take back the title, as I believe she has placed first in at least 3 of the past 5 years (perhaps 5 of 5!), and I will be glad to comply!

An electrician's nightmare, OR, the only way
to power enough fans to keep us all cool!
Katie's fortune did not improve in the tandem race with Mike Bure.  Near the beginning of the race, they got hung up on a log.  We all blamed Mike, not because of any paddling error, but because he dared to accept a T-shirt that held bad karma.  This shirt was viewed as so badly tainted that it was the very last item left on the raffle table - as heavily a laden table that it was.  Perhaps one of you knows more about the story behind the T-shirt.  If so, please share in a comment...

Many thanks go to the organizers who hosted the event, the donors who provided great raffle prizes, and the operators of Meramec State Park for providing such a lovely venue.  Great job, Jackie and family, Larry and Amy, Burt, Brian, and everyone else who had a hand in continuing to make this event one of my favorite of the year!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Team of the Month - July 2011

Since this is not an award, but rather a way for the Stream Teams in the St. Louis area to get to know each other, our first Team of the Month was easy for me to pick - it is the team that I run at the Litzsinger Road Ecology Center.

Deer Creek near Laclede Station Road

Stream Team 2760, the LREC Stream Team, has been working together since about 2005 to collect water quality data on Deer Creek, a tributary of the River des Peres that flows through several communities in the 'inner ring' suburbs of St. Louis.  For the past 3 years, the team has been monitoring water quality on a monthly basis at seven sites in the watershed.  A recently completed report summarizing the results of their monitoring shows that high chloride and low dissolved oxygen are threatening aquatic life in Deer Creek.

In addition to the monthly water chemistry, the LREC Stream Team has been monitoring aquatic macroinvertebrates twice per year in Deer Creek near Litzsinger Road.  The stream has had surprising diversity, including caddisflies, riffle beetles, and at least two families of mayflies!

Besides their frequent water monitoring activities, the LREC Stream Team teaches children about watersheds, water pollution, and other related topics using their stream table, an EnviroScape model, and walking trips at the Ecology Center. They also hold periodic litter pick-up events to remove trash that floats into their half-mile stretch of Deer Creek.

This Stream Team is always open to participation of new members, including those who have been recently trained and need to get a bit of experience under their belts before going out on their own.  For information on upcoming monitoring opportunities with Stream Team 2760, contact Danelle.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Upcoming Event: 15th Annual Meramec Watershed Celebration

One of my favorite Stream Team events of the year is coming up on Saturday, July 23rd.  The 15th Annual Meramec Watershed Celebration will be held once again at Meramec State Park in Sullivan, Missouri.  While the name may sound like it is an event for Stream Team members in the Meramec River watershed, the organizers really want this to be a celebration of Stream Teams across the state.  They realize that few folks from the further ends of the state will make the trek, but there have been folks from Kansas City and other distant areas at the event in the past.  And for good reason...

I've got to tell you, the Meramec River watershed folks know how to throw a party!!  The morning starts off with a bit of education and information with a Level 2 WQM refresher class and a naturalist program.  They have games and crafts for kids most of the day.  They build up the excitement with a great BBQ (bring a covered side-dish to share) and raffle ticket sales.  Then they turn on the heat (this is July in Missouri after all) as they call the raffle numbers and winners select their prizes from an amazing assortment of goodies: kayaks, rain barrels, float trips, restaurant and gas station gift cards, golf clubs, baskets of toys and books, and who knows what else!  Sprinkle in some relaxing tubing on the Meramec, add in a poling clinic, and spice it up with some canoe sprints and you've got the fixings for a grand ole time!

If you are the true outdoors type, you can turn this day of celebration into a whole weekend. Group Campsite A in the park is reserved for Stream Teamers from Friday thru Sunday.  Last year it was a bit too hot out for the kids, so we passed on the camping, but this year we are planning to spend at least one night.  I hope to see you there - I'll bring the marshmallows!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What is a Stream Team Association?

Some of you may have been hearing lately about Stream Team Associations or about the Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition.  And if you haven't been, I'd like to introduce you to them!

Stream Team Associations are groups of Stream Teams within the same watershed or adjacent watersheds who work together.   They may partner to better coordinate litter pickups and water monitoring events, to present a more united voice to local governments, or to earn grants to help improve their stream.  An Association enables Stream Teams to take on larger projects having a greater impact.  Associations currently serving the St. Louis area are:

The Missouri Stream Team Watershed Coalition (MSTWC) is a non-profit organization run by representatives from Stream Team Associations throughout the state of Missouri. As a not-for-profit, the MSTWC can write and receive grants used to support projects submitted by Stream Team Associations.  MSTWC also promotes and supports the Stream Team Associations by serving as a resource for information, education, stewardship and advocacy; by facilitating communication among Associations; and by serving as a united voice for healthy watersheds in Missouri.


Good morning and welcome to a new blog to help members of the Missouri Stream Team in the St. Louis area stay in touch with each other and with current stream-related events and issues in our community.

My vision for this blog is to develop a set of regular members who will write about different aspects of the Stream Team in St. Louis and to invite 'guest bloggers' to contribute articles that are pertinent as well.  If you have ideas of what you would like to see here, send a comment!

Future topics to look for:
  • What is a Stream Team Association?
  • Team of the Month
  • Urban Water Quality101
  • Rain Barrel Reviews
  • Teacher Features
  • How to Communicate with Legislators
  • Stormwater: Problems, Solutions, and Opportunities
  • Featured Macroinvertebrates
  • Getting to Know the Stream Team Staffers
For the 'Team of the Month', I'm going to need your help - I can only write about you and what you are doing if I know who you are!!  More on that in a future post.  In the meantime, enjoy!